Monday, August 24, 2020

Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Writing Review - Essay Example Kennedy (2008) anyway contends that the general interests of the transsexual youngsters are overlooked by both the schools just as the families other than division of kids is likewise focusing on them. (KENNEDY). This contention is in this manner in similarity with the contentions of Dewey who guarantee that transsexual youngsters disguise various situations all alone and plan their methodologies in a way that permit them to agree to the changing conditions other than permitting them to manage their future ailments. The union of both of these articles along these lines would recommend that however the transsexual kids are overlooked by their families, schools and even the division of youngsters, nonetheless, they have the capacity to build up their own inward pictures of how to manage the diverse troublesome and simpler circumstances. This improvement hence contributes towards the accomplishment of their fundamental endurance inside the general public. Menvielle (2009) likewise contends on the job of families in helping their youngsters to figure out how to adapt to the truth of transsexuality and whether a kid is assisted with making a progress to sexes from the phase of adolescence is talked about. (Menvielle). Menwielle anyway gives a portrayal of how families can be instructed and prepared to manage the difficult circumstance of managing their youngsters and helping them to make a change. This contention in this way intrinsically brings up towards the way that current family framework and qualities might be deficient in offering conscious help to such kids to confront the troublesome circumstances throughout everyday life and cause fruitful to transitiona and experience different formative stages without any problem. What is critical in any case, about the contentions of every one of the three contentions is the way that Kenney gives proof in regards to the job of schools and families in helping their kids to more readily adapt to the truth. Menvielle in this manner gives additional proof with respect to how the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

An In-depth View of Palenque

A top to bottom View of Palenque Free Online Research Papers In southern Mexico, lies perhaps the best destruction of the most progressive culture of antiquated MesoAmerica. Close to the Usumacinta River, Palenque is a Mayan city-express that arrived at its most prominent period during the seventh century CE. At the point when Palenque was first found, it was totally overpowered by the plantlife of the rainforest. Through time, exhuming uncovered a huge archeological site that pulls in a large number of vacationers every year. What pulls in these visitors isn't the size of the site, but instead the fragile, refined, and mind boggling design and craftsmanship that has been found there. Palenque is known most for their fine structures, rooftop brushes, figures, and bas-alleviation carvings that epitomize the best of Mayan manifestations. It isn't as extensive as other referred to Mayan destinations, for example, Tikal or Copan, yet compensates for its size with its magnificence somewhere down in the rainforest. It is entirely profound that a significant part of the Early Classic history of the city-state presently can't seem to be uncovered. Archeologists have said that lone five percent of the real city has been revealed. Palenque has an exceptionally unpredictable history and we just know a piece of it from what archeologists have uncovered. The city itself has experienced a broad procedure of overbuilding through time. The genuine structures that are noticeable today are supposed to be the revamping endeavors of the fallout of the Calakmul assaults in the seventh century. A greater amount of the historical backdrop of Palenque was as of late uncovered to us through more profound comprehension of the incredibly intricate Mayan hieroglyphic composing framework. By perusing these antiquated engravings, specialists picked up information on Palenque’s opponents, for example, different locales like Calakmul and Tonina and furthermore the primary rundown of dynastic rulers. This is the motivation behind why Palenque is likely the most expounded on and contemplated Mayan site. From that rundown of dynastic rulers, one ruler is generally renowned and synonomous with the city of Palenque. He is generally answerable for remaking and furthermore Palenque’s brilliant age. His name was Kinich Janaab Pakal and his tomb was discovered not very far in the past while unearthing the Temple of Inscriptions. In 1952, an excavator named Alberto Ruz Lhullier evacuated a section of stone that stood apart on the floor of the back room of the sanctuary pyramid. At the point when he expelled the stone, it uncovered a way driving down into the core of the sanctuary. The flight of stairs brought a transform into a tomb where they found a huge stone casket that had a place with Pakal. The tomb was noteworthy for the huge resplendently cut stone casket, the decorations enhanced by Pakal himself including an excellent jade passing veil, and furthermore the plaster mold that encompassed the dividers of the tomb. The top of the stone coffin, as it is still incredibly in judg ment and protected, shows pictures of death and the black market. Antiquarians additionally figured out how the Temple of Inscriptions was really worked by watching the tomb. Clearly the stone coffin was too enormous to even consider carrying into the tomb itself. They understood that the tomb was fabricated first and afterward the Temple was worked over it. The Temple of Inscriptions itself is one of Palenque’s generally exquisite and recognizing structures. The huge pyramid contains the second longest glyphic content from the antiquated Mayans. Almost 180 years are recorded of the city’s history from these engravings. It undoubtedly is an exceptionally huge structure where it estimates 60 meters wide and right around 28 meters high. Probably the greatest stones utilized gauge 12 to 15 tons. Not a long way from the sanctuary, is the Palace of Palenque. The royal residence comprises of a few structures and yards that have been continually worked over one another. The Palace is particularly critical for all the models and bas-reliefs that were found in that. Nonetheless, the most distinctive factor of the Palace is the novel four-story tower that isn't found at some other Mayan site. A few history specialists state that it was utilized as a post tower while others state it was utilized alongside the Sun to uncover certain seasons. Another significant element is the gathering of complex structures known as the Temples of the Sun, Cross, and Foliated Cross. They got their names from early adventurers who named them after the cross-like pictures found on the engravings. The pictures are really a portrayal of the Mayan place conviction of the tree of creation. They are particularly discernable in light of the effortless position on step pyramids. Every sanctuary is set apart by expand alleviation carvings in the inward chambers. The carvings delineate figures partaking in ceremonies and introducing certain hallowed articles to a god or more significant position authority. On account of better comprehension of Mayan images, we currently realize that the pictures delineate Kinich Kan Bahlam during section custom and furthermore his introduction of sovereignty. Palenque is additionally striking for it’s cutting edge innovation. At the point when somebody hears the word, reservoir conduit, they consider old Rome. In any case, the old Mayans had their own adaptation in Palenque where they fabricated an underground vault with extraordinary stone squares. It worked with the goal that the Otulum River streamed underneath the floor of Palenque’s principle square. It was no issue getting water in since it was a â€Å"rain†forest. They just required an approach to get it out. Palenque contains various sanctuaries, tombs, a ballcourt, and structures that venture out of sight the backwoods. For instance, the Temple of the Lion was named for a help of a ruler sitting in a seat as a puma. The Temple of the Count is another exquisite model where it got its name from an early wayfarer who lived there and guaranteed to really be a Count. The most intriguing thing about Palenque anyway is the means by which this flourishing city-state was surrendered. There is no genuine response for the unexpected nonattendance of individuals and when the Spanish showed up in the 1520’s, there was scarcely anybody by any means. Anyway today, Palenque isn't vacant because of the tremendous measures of voyagers that make it likely the most notable and lovely MesoAmerican ruin. WORKS CITED 1. History Channel: Lost Worlds: Palenque, DVD 2. 3. Martin, Simon; and Nikolai Grube (2000). Account of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient Maya. London and New York: Thames Hudson. 4. Schele, Linda (1976) Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque. In The Art, Iconography, and Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III. Research Papers on An inside and out View of PalenqueAssess the significance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Understanding Opioid Overdoses

Understanding Opioid Overdoses Addiction Drug Use Opioids Print Understanding Opioid Overdoses By Rod Brouhard, EMT-P facebook twitter linkedin Rod Brouhard is an emergency medical technician paramedic (EMT-P), journalist, educator, and advocate for emergency medical service providers and patients. Learn about our editorial policy Rod Brouhard, EMT-P Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 20, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 10, 2020 Adam Young / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Opioids Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery When people think of opiates they tend to think of heroin, but opiates consist of several different medications besides heroin. Demerol, morphine, Norco, codeine, Oxycontin, and Vicodin are all opiates or opioids. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, more precisely, opiates describe those drugs that are made directly from the poppy plant, and opioids are synthetically produced. For each of these opiates, overdoses cause death the same way.   Opiates (such as heroin, morphine, and Demerol) are sedatives known for being very strong pain relievers. In high doses, opiates decrease a persons ability to breathe. When someone overdoses on heroin or any of the prescription opioids, their speech becomes slurred, their reaction time decreases, their gait (walking) becomes unstable, and in the worst cases, their breathing gets shallow and slow. Eventually, breathing will stop completely. Opiates also cause constriction of the pupils (meaning the black circle in the middle of the eye gets very small). Paramedics regularly respond to heroin overdoses where the patient is unconscious, wont respond to any shaking or shouting, isnt breathing and has pinpoint pupils. In most cases, the patient still has a pulse. Indeed, people who overdose on opioids can survive for several minutes without breathing. Naloxone (Narcan) Paramedics carry a medication called naloxone that is the perfect antidote for opiate overdoses. How It Works Naloxone is an opiate antagonist, which means it essentially blocks opiates from affecting the brain and actually kicks out the opiates that are already there. When you give naloxone to a patient who has overdosed on opiates, they usually start breathing and wake right up. Its amazing to anyone who sees it for the first time. Naloxone is such an incredible antidote to opioid overdoses that its use is growing. In some places around the country, police officers are carrying naloxone to treat opioid overdose without having to wait for paramedics. Naloxone is even being handed out at some needle exchange programs. How Safe Injection Sites Work Avoiding Overdoses If you have a friend or family member taking any type of opioid medication for pain, make sure they follow their prescription and talk to the doctor before increasing the amount they are taking. This includes taking extra opiate medications when wearing pain patches. Pain patches are often also delivering opioid medications. Any combination of opioids can lead to an overdose. Opioid Addiction Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF Opioids can be highly addictive, which means even though you could have started taking them as a way to control pain, their use can get out of control. Also, they can feel less effective as time goes by. That loss of effectiveness (called building a tolerance) leads to higher and higher dosages in an effort to get the original feeling. At some point, its possible to overdose while chasing  the feeling. Overdoses can also be from a desire to get a strong, one-time feeling or even as an intentional attempt to harm yourself. If a family member taking an opioid medication becomes unconscious and you cannot wake him or her, call 911. If you have naloxone, dont be afraid to use it. How to Help Someone If They Overdose on Opioids

Friday, May 22, 2020

Theme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird - 1450 Words

Ingrained Racism â€Å"Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird...Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy† (Lee 119). The white community sinned and the black community suffered as an innocent mockingbird was killed. Although innocence is one recurring theme in Harper Lee’s novel, it seems as though it only mattered to her. Lee illustrates the widespread racial discrimination and oppression that developed in every social class of Maycomb, Alabama. Mulligan’s interpretation however manages to miss one of, if not the biggest overall theme of the book, profound racism. But what Mulligan fails to reinforce is the idea of deeply embedded racism. Throughout the novel, Harper Lee portrays a balance of the dualism between good†¦show more content†¦Lee presents the how much an adult can influence a child. Francis, Aunt Alexandras grandson, repeats what Aunt says to him and accepts it. Teaching children as such a young age the se racist ideas influences them forever. The reader sees this first hand as they learn Francis parrots Aunt Alexandra. Lee adds Francis uttering his own racial slurs as learned from his grandmother, saying, â€Å"I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family† (Lee 110). Harper Lee portrays Francis among the other children as a victim of a racist society. Such deeply rooted bigotry influences the young children’s actions and choices subsequently. Lee wonderfully demonstrates the plentiful racism not only in the adults mind, but also in the childrens. When Mulligan fails to include such minimal but deeply significant scenes and dialogues, he misses the overall theme. Moreover, Robert Mulligan excludes the dining room scene that reveals racism existed in every social aspect of Maycomb’s society. Mrs. Merriweather, an educated woman, although partakes in a minimal part of the book, possess crucial importance in relaying the theme of harsh racism. In an excluded scene, Aunt Alexandra and the upper class women discussed the case, in which Lee introduces the deep racism of the upper social classes. The women disgustingly spoke about the trial, placingShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird1340 Words   |  6 Pages1930’s. Racism is a major aspect in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The main character, Scout, has to deal with this problem everyday. Bob Ewell, Mr. Cunningham, and other characters are very racist, and don’t approve of Atticus defending a â€Å"Negroe†. This causes Scout to be bullied in school and even attacked by Mr. Ewell. Also, characters such as Tom Robinson are negatively affected by racism in Maycomb. Tom is killed just because of his skin color. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, HarperRead MoreTheme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird1776 Words   |  8 PagesSUBJECT To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is set in Maycomb County, Alabama in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. It is a time of racism, opinionated communities, and poverty. Scout and Jem Finch face several conflicts throughout the novel and are forced to mature quickly. Atticus Finch, the father of Jem and Scout, also faces a major difficulty which will affect his family and the town he lives in. Atticus Finch is a lawyer in Maycomb, and is given the responsibility to support the defendantRead MoreTheme Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird1015 Words   |  5 PagesMiss Caroline. Throughout the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus keeps pressing this idea to Scout and to Scout’s brother, Jem, as Atticus defends a black man in court against the racism of the whole town. The theme that one can’t fully understand another until one attempts to, â€Å"‘climb inside of his skin and walk around in it’† (Lee 33) is demonstrated through Scout’s anguish over Jem’s increasing maturity, Atticus’ explanation for violence and racism in the mob, and Scout’s empathy for ArthurRead MoreThe Theme of Racism in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay1050 Words   |  5 PagesIn the book To Kill a Mockingbird, many minor themes are present such as gender and age. However, the largest and therefore major theme of the book is racism. All of the e vents and themes in the book had only one purpose, to support the theme of racism. One of the most important events in the book was Tom Robinson’s trial, which was unfairly judged due to the fact that the jury could not see beyond the color of Tom’s skin. The put their own racist opinions ahead of what is right and just. One ofRead MoreTheme Of Racism And Fear In To Kill A Mockingbird840 Words   |  4 Pagesfree of racism and prejudice. That it is past the years of wrongfully convicting African-American men and past an unfair judicial system. People believe equality for all is really happening. Yet, studies show that innocent black men are seven times more likely to be convicted of murder than innocent white people. Another study shows that even though black people represent only 13% of the US population they represent 47% of 1,900 exonerations from 1989 to mid-October of 2016. In the book To Kill a MockingbirdRead More Racism in Literature Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesRacism, a disease of the ignorant, is a horrific part of society, and has rear ed its ugly head throughout history, and is continuing to do the same today. Racism comes in many shapes and forms, directed towards a variation of cultures. It can end lives and tear communities apart. Often times, there are people who see racism, and are inspired to write about it, with the goal in mind to make a difference and change societies belief. Abel Meeropol and Harper Lee had that goal in common, when writingRead MoreWhy Is Innocence Becomes Experience?1225 Words   |  5 PagesIn To Kill A Mockingbird there are several reason why innocence becomes experience. stated â€Å"Between ages 5 and 11, the researchers found, children become aware that many people believe stereotypes, including stereotypes about academic ability. When children become aware of these types of bias about their own racial or ethnic group, it can affect how they respond to everyday situations.† This shows that Scout and Jem are in a time of their lives when racism will take effect. No t only becauseRead MoreTheme Of Symbolism In To Kill A Mockingbird791 Words   |  4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a multi-faceted novel which explores the principles and morals of people in the South during the 1930s. Mockingbirds are symbolic of the people that society abuse. Lee narrates the events of the novel using Scout’s voice and uses this technique to add emotional context and develop themes. Themes of racial and classist prejudice are developed by Lee to challenge the reader. These techniques are all powerful ways to alter the views of the reader. MockingbirdsRead MoreAnalysis Of Harper Lee s Kill A Mockingbird 1491 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lee’s ​ To Kill a Mockingbird ​ is a critically acclaimed, Pulitzer Prize winning novel that instantly attained its position as one of the greatest literary classics (Editors).The story of Scout Finch’s childhood has become one of the most notable narratives that addresses controversial issues present in the early 20th century. Lee’s novel depicts themes of race, justice, and innocence throughout the novel. Although ​ To Kill a Mockingbird​ is regarded as a literary masterpiece in AmericanRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Robert Mulligan941 Words   |  4 Pages To Kill A Mockingbird In the movie To Kill a Mockingbird directed by Robert Mulligan portrays a story about a small town lawyer, who has taken upon himself to prove that Tom Robinson was innocent of raping a young woman by the name of Mayella Ewell. The only problem that Atticus faced was Tom Robinson was an African American at a time where racism was big, especially in the 1930’s. Atticus goes above and beyond to try and prove he was innocent. The end result was that Tom Robinson was guilty and

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Internet Experiences Other Nations versus the USA Essay

Essays on Internet Experiences: Other Nations versus the USA Essay The paper "Internet Experiences: Other Nations versus the USA" is an outstanding example of an essay on technology. Internet connectivity, as well as data plans, vary across the countries depending upon the infrastructure development and demand for services. Over a period of time, different governments have provided support to ensure that superfast broadband is available to the consumers as it is generally believed that high-speed internet access offers societal and economic benefits. (Kenny Kenny, 2011).Japan is the country that is considered to have the best internet speeds offered at the lowest price in the world. This, therefore, ensures that many consumers are allowed to use high-speed internet with relatively cheaper prices thus increasing the overall inclusion for internet services. Some reports suggest that the overall ranking of the US in the 20s in terms of internet speed and countries like Japan, Sweden are offering much high-speed internet connectivity as compared to the United States of America. On average, the overall speed and connectivity in the US are even less than the US Federal Communications Commission’s defined limit of 4mb per second of download. This low level of internet speeds, therefore, suggests that the US may be lagging behind major countries in terms of offering high-speed affordable internet access to its consumers.It has been suggested that South Korea is also one of the leading countries offering the fastest internet services to consumers. Such high-speed internet connectivity is, therefore, adding towards the low-cost providing of the services indicates that it may be possible to offer affordable services at really high speeds.It has been argued that the lower speeds of the internet in the US is mainly due to the low level of infrastructure investment in the development of the internet backbone of the country. A low level of investment in infrastructure development, therefore, has resulted in a low level of accessibili ty as well as speed across the whole of the country. (Rob Docters, Tilstone, Bednarczyk, Gieskes, 2011)Further, it has also been argued that the lack of competition within the internet services providers has resulted in increased costs. High-speed internet services, therefore, are relatively expensive for US customers to afford. This lack of incentive has also forced the internet services providers not to go for the service up-gradation in terms of speed increase as well as a reduction in the pricing of the services.   (Rueda-Sabater Derosby, 2011)It is also important to note that the regulatory environment in the US is not conducive for the high-speed connectivity as it requires major expansion and investment into infrastructure development as well as the services. The additional regulations, therefore, have been considered as one of the significant bars in the development of low priced and high-speed internet access in the country.Other countries, therefore, seem to have bette r infrastructure as well as a low level of regulations to allow internet service providers market to develop on its own. The high population density has also allowed companies to penetrate into large chunks of the market with relatively low costs thus making it cheaper for the consumers to enjoy high-speed internet access in these countries.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Storm Born Chapter Seven Free Essays

I couldn’t believe it when Wil told me he wanted to go too. Why did everyone suddenly want in on what was probably the most dangerous trip of a lifetime? I sure as hell didn’t want to go. Why did they? If only I could have given up my spot. We will write a custom essay sample on Storm Born Chapter Seven or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"No,† I told him. â€Å"You’ll get yourself killed.† I sounded just like Roland now. â€Å"Yeah, but you said I wouldn’t actually go in body. Only my spirit would go.† â€Å"Doesn’t matter. The spirit is still your essence, still tied to your being and body. Someone does enough damage to it, then your body’s toast too.† He didn’t seem to care, which I found ironic for a guy who seemed to be so afraid of everything else. His final argument was that Jasmine would be scared and traumatized; his presence would comfort her in the face of being carted off by more strangers. He had a point, I supposed, but I warned him he would only be a reflection in that world, bearing little resemblance to his human self. She might not know him. Accepting this, he remained undaunted, and I decided if he wanted to get himself killed, that was his problem. So long as he didn’t drag me down in the process. I also made sure he paid me beforehand. Best not to take chances. When the appointed night came, I brought Tim with me. Since Wil would not be able to go physically, we’d need someone to watch his body. Tim treated it like going to summer camp, bringing a tent and a drum and everything. I told him he was an idiot, but he had grand plans for how he could later tell his groupies he went on a vision quest. The way he saw it, he would only be half-lying. I could have brought Roland and had a little less absurdity, but I didn’t trust him not to sneak in after me. So Tim it was. We drove outside of town, traveling winding roads that snaked through the desert. Wil waited for us in a secluded spot, away from some of the more public access areas. It was a beautiful night, with the stars and moon crisp in the sky and saguaros standing watch. There were a few other thin spots between the worlds I could have used, but I chose this one because I liked the privacy and because it was one of the strongest. I wanted to waste as little power as possible in the transition over, particularly since I’d have to work to bring Wil along. As it was, we had enough trouble even getting him into a trance. â€Å"Jesus,† I said irritably, watching him in the dim lighting, â€Å"how much coffee did you drink today?† He probably didn’t even drink coffee. Too many carcinogens or something. â€Å"I’m sorry.† He attempted to stay still. â€Å"I’m just so worried about her.† He lay on a blanket near our small campfire, the smell of burning sage hanging in the air. Tim sat back near the tent with his iPod, smart enough to leave me alone and do my job. With the way Wil kept twitching, I doubted anything short of Valium would calm him down. Not that that ultimately would have done us any good. â€Å"Are there coyotes out here?† he demanded. â€Å"Some have been known to attack humans. Even with a fire. They could have rabies. And snakes – â€Å" â€Å"Wil! You’re wasting our time here. If you can’t calm down soon, I’m going without you.† Already the crescent moon had reached its zenith; I didn’t want to transition too long after its descent. At my wits’ end, I produced the pendulum and hung it before Wil’s face. I didn’t really go for hypnosis, but I’d had good results with it in the past for clients needing soul retrieval. Hoping it would work on him, I began walking him through the stages of unconsciousness. It worked. Or maybe just my threat to leave him behind did. Finally, I saw him fall into a waking sleep, the perfect time for his soul to loosen from his body. Holding out my wand, I drew his spirit to me so it clung like static, felt but not seen. Then, relaxing my own consciousness, I let my mind expand and touch the walls of this world, pushing its limits into the Otherworld as far as I could go. As I expanded out, I held on to an awareness of my body, working hard to bring it over in its entirety. Unlike so many others, I was even strong enough to bring other material things – my clothes, my weapons. At first nothing seemed to happen, then the landscape around me shimmered, almost like we were trapped in a heat mirage. My senses blurred, making me feel disoriented, and then my surroundings clarified. I found myself breathless, a wave of dizziness sweeping me. The effects passed quickly. I was pretty good at crossing worlds. â€Å"Oh my God,† breathed a voice that sounded vaguely like Wil’s. Looking to my side, I saw his Otherworldly representation. Not even powerful enough to come over in elemental form, he appeared beside me much like any spirit in my own world would have: vague shape, translucent, and smoky. â€Å"You did it. You really brought us over.† â€Å"Hey, I live to serve.† â€Å"Actually, mistress, that is our job.† I turned around and tried to hide my surprise. My minions stood before me but not as I knew them in the human world. In this world, the Otherworld, they were more corporeal, appearing in their natural forms and not as a projected sending. Nandi stood tall and rigid, a black woman in her mid-forties. Her face had hard lines and angles, beautiful in a regal and hawklike way. Iron-gray waves of hair framed a face as bleak and expressionless as her spirit version’s. As for Finn, I’d expected him to be small and spritelike. He, however, was almost as tall as me with shining, sun-bright hair that stuck up at odd angles. Freckles covered his face, and the grin he showed me mirrored the amusement I usually saw when we were together in my plane. Volusian looked the same as always. I didn’t exactly know what to say, seeing them like this. It was kind of startling. They watched me silently, waiting for orders. I cleared my throat, trying to appear haughty. â€Å"All right, let’s get this moving. Who knows the way to this guy’s place?† They all did, as it turned out. We stood at a crossroads, mirroring the one we’d left in my world. The country around us was beautiful, warm and balmy in the evening twilight, pleasant in a different way from Tucson. Cherry trees in full bloom lined the roads, shedding pink-white petals to the ground as the breeze rustled their leaves. â€Å"We stand in the Rowan Land, mistress,† explained Nandi flatly. â€Å"If we follow this road, we will eventually reach the part of the Alder Land where King Aeson lives.† I glanced at the road. â€Å"What, no yellow bricks?† Nandi didn’t get the joke. â€Å"No. The path is dirt. The journey will be long and must be taken on foot. Likely you will find it tedious and wearying, plunging you into misery and making you wish you had never set out on this quest.† â€Å"Quite the endorsement.† She stared at me, puzzled. â€Å"It was not an endorsement, mistress.† We set out, and I discovered in about five minutes that conversation with this group was pointless. So instead I focused on studying my surroundings, like any good soldier would. I had crossed over in body a few times, but I had never stayed long. Most of my jaunts had been to chase down wayward spirits. I’d always jumped in, done my duty, and jumped out. With such beauty, it seemed incredible the residents here would want to keep sneaking over to my world. Birds sang a farewell to the setting sun. The landscapes we passed were gorgeous and exquisitely colored, like a real-life Thomas Kinkade painting. It almost looked unreal, like Technicolor gone crazy. There was also magic here. Strong magic. It permeated the air, every blossom, every blade of grass. It set my hairs on end. I didn’t like magic, not this kind, not the magic that filled living things. That was a gentry thing. Humans had no magic within them. We took it from the world with tools and charms; it was not inborn with us. Feeling it so heavy in the air unnerved me, almost making it hard for me to breathe. Suddenly we crossed an invisible line, and cold wind blasted against my skin. Snow lay in drifts along the side of the road – which stayed miraculously uncovered – and icicles hung daintily on the trees like Christmas ornaments. â€Å"What the hell happened?† I exclaimed. â€Å"The Willow Land,† said Finn. â€Å"It’s winter right now. Here, I mean.† I glanced behind us. A chilly, white landscape stretched back as far as the eye could see, no cherry trees in sight. I wrapped my arms around my body. â€Å"Do we have to go this way? It’s freezing.† â€Å"You are the only who is cold, mistress,† noted Volusian. â€Å"Yeah,† said Wil brightly. â€Å"I can’t feel anything. How cool is that? I bet those boots of yours won’t protect you from hypothermia.† I rolled my eyes. Stupid spirits. All of them. Alive or otherwise. â€Å"How much farther through here?† â€Å"Longer if we keep standing around,† said Volusian. Sighing, I trudged along, pulling my coat tighter. I wore my usual one, the olive-green moleskin that went to my knees. I had put it on mainly to cover the arsenal underneath, and it had seemed too warm back in Tucson. Now it felt ridiculously thin. Teeth chattering, I followed the spirits, focusing mainly on putting one foot in front of the other. In only a short while, we crossed another unseen boundary, and thick humidity slammed down on me, much like my sauna. Heat boiled around us, and this time I took off my jacket. In the fading light, deep green leaves rustled together, and cicadas sang in the trees. The flowers here were different than the delicate ones in the Rowan Land. These had richer, deeper colors, and their perfume was cloying. The minions informed me we’d crossed into the Alder Land. I cheered up, happy to find it wasn’t winter here and that we were so near our goal. Until we crossed back into the pink-treed valleys of the Rowan Land. â€Å"What’s this? Are we going in circles?† â€Å"No, mistress,† said Nandi. â€Å"This is the way to King Aeson’s.† â€Å"But we just came out of the Alder Land. We need to turn around.† â€Å"Not unless you want to take days to get there. Your friend’s body wouldn’t survive that long.† Volusian inclined his head toward Wil’s ethereal form. â€Å"That doesn’t make any sense.† â€Å"The Otherworld doesn’t lie like yours,† explained Finn. â€Å"It’s hard to notice if you haven’t been here a lot. It’s more obvious when physical. The land folds in on itself, and sometimes what seems longer is shorter. And what’s shorter is longer. We’ve got to cut back through here to get to Aeson’s. Weird, but there you have it.† â€Å"It sounds like a wormhole,† I muttered as I walked again. â€Å"Worms do not travel this way,† said Nandi. I tried explaining what a wormhole was, how some physicists theorized space could wrinkle and fold, making it possible to travel through those folds and end up on the other side more quickly. As soon as I reached the word â€Å"physicist,† I gave up, realizing I fought a losing battle. We soon crossed into the Oak Land, a breathtaking landscape of fiery orange trees and scattered leaves, enhanced by the burning orange sunset. Here, it apparently was autumn. I swore I could smell wood smoke and cider on the wind. Something else also caught my attention. â€Å"Hey!† I stopped and stared off into the trees. I had just seen a sleek orange form dart by, its white-tipped tail flaring behind it. â€Å"It was that fox again. I swear it was.† â€Å"What fox?† asked Finn. â€Å"I don’t see anything.† â€Å"Neither did I,† added Wil. â€Å"My mistress has gone mad at last,† Nandi said on a sigh. â€Å"Long before this,† muttered Volusian. â€Å"There was a fox watching me back in my world†¦and now I just saw another one.† â€Å"The Otherworld has animals just like yours does,† said Finn. â€Å"It’s probably coincidence.† â€Å"But what if it’s not?† â€Å"Well, it could be a spirit fox. Was it really big? Sometimes they’re – â€Å" Volusian cried a warning just before the horses came crashing through the trees. I had my gun and athame out in a flash, firing without hesitation at the first assailant I saw. There were twelve of them, men and women, some armored and some not. Their clothing looked like something you might get if the cast from Lord of the Rings went to a rave. All of them rode horses. Charmingly archaic. The man I shot screamed. Steel bullets and gentry flesh don’t mix so well. Unfortunately, he had shifted position at the last minute, so I only took him in the arm. In my periphery, I saw Volusian flare with blue light; I hoped he was fighting on my side. One of the riders bore down on me with a copper sword alight with magic. My iron athame caught it, and we stood locked there for a moment. Iron, the emblem of technology, fought back against the metal it had supplanted, but in the end his magic was stronger. There was simply more of it, and the wielder had more brute force. He pushed me backward, and I stumbled into someone one of my minions must have unseated. In one fluid motion, I regained my balance and slashed at the man with my athame. Blood gleamed through his shirt, and then I clocked him in the head. He staggered, and then another hit took him down. Another rider came at me. I fired, and she jerked backward as the bullet hit her in the chest. Underneath her shirt, I saw leather armor and wondered how much that would have softened the blow. I took aim at another rider, and then a sharp female voice called out to me. â€Å"Stop, human. Unless you want your friend to die.† Glancing over, I saw a tall woman with long black hair worn in two braids. She inclined her head toward a young man whose arm extended gracefully outward. Above the palm of that hand, Wil’s spirit floated. A golden, viscous glow encased him, giving him the appearance of an insect stuck in amber. I had no clue what kind of magic it was, but I knew he was trapped. And at risk. Damn it. This was exactly the reason I hadn’t wanted him along. He had indeed succeeded in getting both of us killed. I glanced around. Seven of the riders were injured, unconscious, or possibly dead. Not bad for the four of us, I thought, as I assessed our odds of taking out the last five. My gun was still trained on my target. The woman gave me a thin smile as though reading my mind. â€Å"You could kill him, but your friend would be dead before your next eye blink. As would you.† â€Å"What’s it matter? You’ll just kill us both anyway. At least this way I’ll take company to the next world.† A new voice spoke: â€Å"No one’s sending you to the next world. Not yet anyway.† One of the unhorsed riders clambered to his feet. Presumably one of my spirits had fought him, because I didn’t recognize him. Yet†¦something about him struck me as vaguely familiar. White-blond hair hung to his shoulders, and ice blue eyes studied me carefully. He approached slowly, a sly smile spreading over his face the closer he got. I didn’t know who he was and wondered what tactical advantage I’d gain or lose by turning the gun on him instead. Was he the bigger threat? When he was only a couple feet away, his face lit up, and he lost himself to great, booming laughs. â€Å"I don’t believe this. I don’t believe this! The mouse has walked right up to the cat. Unbelievable.† The black-haired woman fixed him with an irritated glare. â€Å"What are you rambling on about now, Rurik?† He could barely contain himself. â€Å"Do you know who this is? This is the Dark Swan herself. Eugenie Markham, right at our doorstep.† I flinched at the use of my given name, though I knew it shouldn’t surprise me anymore. â€Å"By the gods, I never expected this. I fought her only a week ago, and now here she comes, offering herself to me.† â€Å"If you consider me shoving my gun down your throat offering, then yeah, I suppose I am.† I eyed him curiously, and then I knew. â€Å"It was you. You’re the ice elemental from the hotel.† He sketched me a bow. â€Å"And now I’ll finish what I started. Happily, even. The sight of your naked body has haunted my dreams for many a night.† â€Å"Yeah? The only thing I remember about you is how easy it was to kick your ass.† Rurik grinned. â€Å"You’ll remember a lot more before I’m done.† Behind him, a few of the other men regarded me with renewed interest. I felt myself go rigid, despite my bold words. The black-haired woman eyed Rurik distastefully. â€Å"If you think I’ll let you give in to your†¦perversions here, you’re wrong. You’re as bad as them.† â€Å"Stop being so prim, Shaya. You know who she is.† â€Å"It doesn’t matter. You can have her later if the king says so, but you’re not doing anything while we’re on patrol. My patrol.† I didn’t quite take that as female solidarity, but it was better than nothing. I’d come expecting a grisly death, not a gentry gang bang. Wil might be a lost cause, but if I fired on one of the guys, my minions could probably do serious damage to the others. I tensed, ready to fire. â€Å"Stop,† Volusian suddenly said, moving forward. â€Å"Don’t touch her.† â€Å"We don’t take orders from you,† replied Shaya. Volusian was unfazed. â€Å"No, but you do take orders from your king, and my mistress has business with him.† I saw the men freeze. So did I. Business with their king? Ah, right. We were in the Oak Land where Dorian ruled, the king Volusian had originally wanted me to see. Suddenly I wondered if this winding way we’d taken had been a ploy of his to get us to Dorian after all. If so, I wondered if he’d imagined capture as part of the plan. Shaya regarded me coolly. â€Å"King Dorian has no business with her.† A few of the men looked like they doubted this, and I jumped on it, as well as what Volusian had said about Dorian earlier. â€Å"Are you so sure?† I smiled, portraying the same smug confidence I used with the minions, even as my heart pounded in my chest. Too many eyes on me. It was like public speaking. â€Å"I’ve come a long way to talk to him. How do you think he’ll react if he finds out you’ve killed me before I’ve delivered my message?† â€Å"Tell me your message,† she said impatiently. â€Å"I talk only to him. Alone. I don’t really think he’d like you getting the gossip before he did. Or not getting it at all if you kill me.† â€Å"We won’t kill you,† said Rurik cheerfully. â€Å"We have plenty of other things we can do. You’ll still get to the king†¦eventually.† Volusian fixed his red eyes on Rurik. â€Å"And how do you think Dorian will feel when he learns you’ve been at her before him? The king’s tastes are quite†¦particular.† In another situation, I would have decked Volusian. Whose side was he on anyway? Stupid question, I realized a moment later. He was on his own side. As always. The gentry all appeared put out. They looked like they really wanted to kill someone. The woman verified as much. â€Å"They’ve killed our people. We cannot let that go unpunished.† One of the other female riders strode forward. â€Å"No, actually. Everyone’s still alive. Some just barely†¦but if we can get a healer out here fast enough, they’ll live.† All alive? So much for Team Eugenie. I’d known gentry were stronger in their own world, but this†¦It didn’t bode well for our gallant attack on Aeson and his people. Next time I’d aim for the face. I doubted they’d come back from that. â€Å"Let’s kill the weak human anyway,† suggested one of the others, â€Å"just for fun. We can still bring her to the king.† â€Å"The king’s going to offer me hospitality,† I informed them, still talking out of my ass, â€Å"for my whole group. He’ll be pissed if you kill one of them. It’ll make him look bad.† I was lying, and Shaya looked like she knew it. â€Å"You seem very sure of yourself, Odile, but I’m less convinced.† The other woman crossed her arms. â€Å"We have to get a healer. We need to go back for help now.† Shaya thought about this and then gave a sharp nod. She delegated people to stay with the wounded and others to escort my party back. Before she did, she ordered me disarmed. Rurik made a great show of this, touching me a lot more than was really necessary as he took away the athames – handle first, of course – and wand. When he wrapped his fingers around the butt of the gun, a look of shock crossed his face and he recoiled. â€Å"Damn it!† he swore, cradling his hand. â€Å"It’s†¦I don’t know what it is. But it doesn’t feel†¦right.† I smiled sweetly. Thank God for polymers. Almost as effective as iron. The commanding woman’s eyes flashed. â€Å"Someone take it from her.† No one moved. â€Å"All right, then, one of you spirits. You take it.† My minions didn’t move. â€Å"They don’t take orders from you,† I said, parodying her earlier words. â€Å"They do from you. Order one of them to do it now, or I will have the life squeezed out of your friend, regardless of King Dorian’s anger.† I studied her, trying to decide if she bluffed. Wil suddenly made a piteous sound as the golden aura around him tightened. God, I hoped Volusian was right about this Dorian ridiculousness. â€Å"Nandi,† I said simply. She strode forward and removed the gun from me. One of the riders offered up a cape so she could bundle it up. When it looked like a smothered baby, he reluctantly took it. As for me, I was hoisted onto Rurik’s horse for the trip back to Dorian’s. The spirits needed no such transportation. He wrapped his arms around me, ostensibly to reach the reins, but I was pretty sure he didn’t need to touch my breasts to do it. His hold tightened. â€Å"I wouldn’t want you to fall off,† he explained. â€Å"I’m going to cut your balls off the first chance I get,† I informed him. â€Å"Ah,† he laughed, urging the horse into motion. â€Å"I can’t wait for you to meet the king. He’s going to love you.† How to cite Storm Born Chapter Seven, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Silent Spring Book Review Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s

Silent Spring Book Review Rachel Louise Carson (1907-64), was an American marine biologist, and author of widely read books on ecological themes. Carson was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania, and educated at the former Pennsylvania College for Women and Johns Hopkins University. Rachel Carson taught Zoology at the University of Maryland from 1931 to 1936. She was an aquatic biologist at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries and its successor, the Fish and Wildlife Service, from 1936 to 1952. Rachel Carson wrote 4 books including The Sea Around Us for which she was awarded the 1952 National Book Award for nonfiction. At the end of Rachel Carson's career she wrote Silent Spring, which questioned the use of Chemical Pesticides and was responsible for arousing world wide concern for the preservation of the environment. Silent Spring takes a hard look at the effects of the insecticides, weed killers and other common products as well as the use of sprays in agriculture. By introducing these deadly substances, we have poisoned or lakes and streams, or wild and domestic animals, and even ourselves. The book focuses on the importance of balance within the environment. Rachel Carson wrote... Where spraying destroys not only the insects but also their principle enemy, the birds. When later there is a resurgence in the insect population, as almost always happens, the birds are not there to keep their numbers in check. Carson examines the way dangerous chemicals have been used without sufficient research or regard for their potential harm to wildlife, water, soil, and humans, creating an evil chain of poisoning and death. The over use of DDT, dieldrin and other pesticides eventually poisoned an entire world of living things. Silent Spring not only recognizes the severity of the chemicals usage but recognizes the effect of substance use on a community. It helped people to look at the whole picture, to look into the future instead of the now. Carson helps to change this way of thinking by offering solutions to the existing problems. She helps to show that nature will take care of nature. Many times the best solutions are the introduction of other plants or animals. For many thousands of years man has been battling nature, when if he took a step back, he would see that if he just worked with it his problems could be solved. Rachel Carson helped many people to see this ideal and is partly responsible for starting the environmental movement that has become so apparent in today's society. There are many people that do not support Rachel Carson's findings about DDT. These people challenge her experiments and say that the results would have been worse had the controls not been manipulated. The direct effect of DDT may be different on all types of animals. What the people fail to notice that challenge her statements are the chemical bonds that are produced with DDT and other chemical substances. The significance of Rachel Carson's book was not the scientific accuracy but instead the position it took on DDT. Why this book is so recognized has nothing to do with the actual data, it has to do with awareness and the beginning of global consciousness. Suddenly we are not just a species we are a planet. Carson helped us to realize that everything you do has a greater effect on something else. The arguments of human death due to the banning of DDT are serious ones, and need to be addressed. Many critics say that in many ways Silent Spring has caused more death than it has prevented. In no way do i feel that, that was Rachel Carson's intention. This book is merely a tool for awareness and offers solutions to specific agricultural problems. The critics of Carson are looking to this book, as an answer to all environmental questions instead of looking to it as a guide. I don't feel that in any way Rachel Carson wrote this book for that reason. There are two issues in which i do not feel have been addressed properly. The first is the relationship with government and big business and the second the issue of human survival from insect born diseases. There has been little mention about how the legislation would

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Euthanasia Types and Palliative Care essays

Euthanasia Types and Palliative Care essays Euthanasia is not an acceptable solution but a disturbing development that undermines the very structure of positive palliative care. Instead of supporting euthanasia we must direct our efforts at improving the therapeutic method of alleviating the sufferings of the terminally ill Euthanasia is the hastening of death or the deliberate ending of life at the request of the patient. Over the last few years we have witnessed heated debates about the medical, ethical, legal and moral aspects euthanasia. At the very base of this issue is the fear factor', which underlies both the sides of the argument. From the patients perspective it is the fear of unbearable pain that cannot be assuaged, the embarrassment of dependence that interminable illness causes, and the feeling of worthlessness and loss of self-love. On the other hand we have a fear of doctors and the possible abuse of the power. Let us have a brief overview of euthanasia before we discuss the ethical and moral implications. The word Euthanasia is actually a combination of two Greek words Eu (easy, painless or happy) and thanatos' meaning death. So euthanasia in essence means pain free and happy end to life. Euthanasia is the term for the act of ending the suffering of the patient by putting him to death. In other words it is physician-assisted suicide (PAS). [Michigan Technological University]. There are basically two different forms of Euthanasia namely Active or Passive Euthanasia and Voluntary or involuntary Euthanasia. Passive Euthanasia refers to the case where there is no medical intervention and the patient is left to himself to a gradual death. Typical of this type of Euthanasia is the withdrawal of life support devices. On the other hand active Euthanasia is a case where death is forced by administration of some lethal dosage. (Sleeping pills or painkillers). It is essential to appreciate the di...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

3 Examples of How Missing Words Cause Confusion

3 Examples of How Missing Words Cause Confusion 3 Examples of How Missing Words Cause Confusion 3 Examples of How Missing Words Cause Confusion By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, the absence of a word or phrase is an obstacle to clarity. Discussion after each sentence explains the problem, and a revision provides the solution. 1. The naturally occurring electrolytes are significantly higher than other brands. The comparison in this sentence is not between electrolytes and other brands; it is between electrolytes in a product marketed under one brand and electrolytes in a product marketed under other brands. This revision uses a pronoun and a preposition to communicate the true equivalency: â€Å"The naturally occurring electrolytes are significantly higher than those in other brands.† 2. The contraception app has become a popular alternative because it doesn’t involve taking any medicines, inserting devices, or hormone patches. Three older contraceptive methods are listed in counterpoint to a newer one, but while the sentence structure requires a verb to precede the word or phrase for each method, â€Å"hormone patches† lacks one. This revision inserts a verb: â€Å"The contraception app has become a popular alternative because it doesn’t involve taking any medicines, inserting devices, or using hormone patches.† 3. Financial institutions are no longer required to implement the rule and retain the option of including mandatory arbitration clauses in their contracts. This sentence is structured as if it consists of a single main clause, but logic requires that it be constructed of two independent clauses. It reads as if â€Å"implement the rule† and â€Å"retain the option . . .† are equivalent, but the complementary phrases are â€Å"are no longer required to implement the rule† and the entire portion of the sentence following the conjunction, so a noun or pronoun must be inserted after the conjunction (along with a comma before it) to form the second independent clause: â€Å"Financial institutions are no longer required to implement the rule, and they retain the option of including mandatory arbitration clauses in their contracts.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Latter," not "Ladder"25 Idioms with Clean

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Ethical Theories and National Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethical Theories and National Security - Essay Example In act utilitarianism, opinions of function are involved straightforwardly and openly to every option of the state of affairs. Consequently, the operation of performance bringing the finest and excellent effect is regarded as correct. Opinions of function in rule utilitarianism are incorporated in the determination of resolutions of the strength and legitimacy or ethical behavior (White and Klein 33). Therefore, in rule utilitarianism, an action is regarded as correct and acceptable or erroneous in regard to whether ethical behavior was involved or not. Deontological theories are principled assumptions creating particular rules of behavior and position the significance of whether an action is correct or erroneous in accordance to the rule of law and ethical standards. Deontology theories are categorized in to monistic and pluralistic deontology. Monistic deontology was proposed by Kant and it stipulates that deeds of accomplishment in compliance or meeting the requirements of being c orrect and legitimate conducted logically and under good judgment are considered the embodiment of ethically admirable and commendable deeds. However, on a critical point of view, monistic opinions lack an approach or technique or determining solutions to a disagreement. Under monistic deontology, a common rule may congeal to become an unconditional rule. Pluralistic deontology was postulated by W. D. Ross and he asserted that certain manifestations disclose various obligations and responsibilities that lack the capacity for attachment. These obligations are generally embraced (Pera and Tonder 31). Examples of these obligations include the need not to hurt others, to assist others, and to be truthful. Ethical egoism is categorized into psychological egoism and ethical egoism. According to the psychological egoism, individual’s acts and deeds of accomplishment are abridged self-centeredness. This theory asserts that people behave in particular ways with the expectation of bene fitting from that behavior. On a critical point of view, this theory is evocative and suggestive; therefore, it is prone to being refuted. The assertions in psychological egoism are also considered wide-ranging, and they affirm a diminutive assertion towards individual deeds of accomplishment. Ethical egoism on the other hand elucidates the fact that individual deeds should be conducted on self-centeredness perspective (Shafer-Landau 194). On a critical point of view, people have varying interest and hence an individual performing his deeds in accordance to his interest may not necessarily do so in consideration of other people. Ethical egoism and utilitarianism have some similarities in that in both deeds are done in accomplishing what is preeminent to an individual. Ethical theory to live by It is of significance for an individual to be governed by the assertions of a particular ethical theory. The most favorable theory to live by is psychological egoism. Psychological egoism posi ts that an individual is motivated to act or behave in a particular manner as a result of individual believes that that particular behavior or action will bear fruits. It shows that people act according to their individual interests. We live in a competitive and harsh world. People in the modern world have been faced with difficult financial situations. Therefore, to survive necessitates that one should first according to his needs and be optimistic his/her actions

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Analysis - Essay Example The stories tell about a group of soldiers engaged in wartime activities. Most of them are there since they have been compelled to do so. The narrator himself feels that the war is not worth sacrificing his life for. Although the book is filled with stories of the Vietnam War, but it is not a war story. It does not tell about the battles fought or the causes behind them. It is about search of answers by man about the logic behind wars and making sense of the brutality that one sees during war. The Vietnam War shattered the idea of American culture because of the enormity of evil celebrated during the entire period of war. The war and its consequences changed a soldier’s philosophy of life. The author states that a war story can never give a message on morality because of the grave sins that are committed by the soldiers in the battlefield – â€Å"A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done† (O’ Brien, 65). A war can never be a solution to anything and can never be moral and nor can the incidents related to a war be justified. The only thing that a war is capable of doing is cultivating hatred in the hearts that were innocent before joining the war. This emphasizes upon the uselessness of a war as long as a nation’s dreams are concerned. The dreams, which could have blossomed amongst the young people of a nation, finally end in facing the harsh truth of a war and fighting for a cause which could never be moral. In the chapter Good Form, he drew the line between â€Å"happening-truth† and â€Å"story-truth†. He recounted a soldier he once killed near the village of My Khe. In this context the author portrays the real image of the war he witnessed. The author illustrates the frightful sight of a man he killed in the war. In his

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Communism Essay -- Communism Essays

I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction Communism: A theory and system of social and political organization that was a major force in world politics for much of the 20th century. As a political movement, communism sought to overthrow capitalism through a workers’ revolution and establish a system in which property is owned by the community as a whole rather than by individuals. In theory, communism would create a classless society of abundance and freedom, in which all people enjoy equal social and economic status. In practice, communist regimes have taken the form of coercive, authoritarian governments that cared little for the plight of the working class and sought above all else to preserve their own hold on power. The idea of a society based on common ownership of property and wealth stretches far back in Western thought. In its modern form, communism grew out of the socialist movement of 19th-century Europe. At that time, Europe was undergoing rapid industrialization and social change. As the Industrial Revolution advanced, socialist critics blamed capitalism for creating a new class of poor, urban factory workers who labored under harsh conditions, and for widening the gulf between rich and poor. Foremost among these critics were the German philosopher Karl Marx and his associate Friedrich Engels. Like other socialists, they sought an end to capitalism and the exploitation of workers. But whereas some reformers favored peaceful, longer-term social transformation, Marx and Engels believed that violent revolution was all but inevitable; in fact, they thought it was â€Å"predicted by the scientific laws of history.† They called their theory â€Å"scientific socialism,† or communism. In the last half of the 19th century the terms socialism and communism were often used interchangeably. Ho wever, Marx and Engels came to see socialism as merely an intermediate stage of society in which most industry and property were owned in common but some class differences remained. They reserved the term communism for a final stage of society in which class differences had disappeared, people lived in harmony, and government was no longer needed. The meaning of the word communism shifted after 1917, when Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia. The Bolsheviks changed their name to the Communist Party and installed a repress... ...that lacked the preconditions he and Engels considered essential, namely capitalism and a mature industrial economy. The first of these countries was Russia, a huge, poor, relatively backward nation that was just beginning to acquire an industrial base. IV  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Communism in the Soviet Union Communism as a concrete social and political system made its first appearance in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the state erected by the victors of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917. Soviet communism took some of the core notions of Marxism to an extreme, realizing them through a tyrannical political structure. Within a decade, the Soviet dictatorship, having eradicated all dissent, unleashed an industrialization drive premised on near-total state control of physical and human resources. Authoritarianism reached its zenith during the long reign of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. The limited reforms undertaken after his death in 1953 did not alter the essential character of communism in the Soviet Union. Destabilized by the far-reaching reforms initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s, the Soviet system disintegrated in 1991.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Pros and Cons Essay

Globalization can be defined as the increasing flow of products, people, money, and ideas across the globe. National economies are being swept into the global economy. One can thus think of globalization as rushing through four channels: †¢ Freer trade goods; †¢ Freer mobility of labor; †¢ Freer investment; and †¢ Freer communication, thanks to telecommunications and the Internet. Pros and Cons 1. Capitalism Free enterprise is now the dominant economic system in the world. China is very much capitalist and her late Communist Party leader Deng Xiaoping coined the slogan, â€Å"To get rich is glorious. † Only Cuba and North Korea are holding on to the central planning system of running the economy. Capitalism brings along free trade and the free flow of money across the earth. Countries belonging to the World Trade Organization are trying to bring down tariff barriers. Today, immense portfolio investments zip in and out of countries at the click of a mouse (Baylis & Smith, 2001). With free trade comes economic integration. It is possible to download an album of songs in the United States of America, turn it into CDs in Europe, print the cover and lyric sheet in France, and sell it in Asia. The greatest story of economic integration is the European Union, with its common currency, the euro (Brecher & Costello, 2004). 2. Information economy Another driving force is the knowledge economy. Land, labor and capital are bowing in importance to brain creativity. In the United Kingdom, over a three-year span, manual jobs dropped by 750,000, while professional jobs shot up by 1. 5 million (Brecher & Costello, 2004). 3. Mass Media The invention of the printing press helped scattered people become a national community. In the same way, the evening news is nurturing world’s community. The suffering in India and Indonesia are brought home through CNN. 4. Telecoms There is a global boom in telecommunications. A fourth of all Europeans, have mobile phones. The people in Finland gave the greatest access to cell phones at 417 for every 1,000 people (Brecher & Costello, 2004). Reference: 1. Baylis, John, and Smith, Steve, eds. The Globalization of World Politics. 2nd ed. , 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Brecher, Jeremy, and Costello, Tim. Global Village or Global Pillage: Economic Reconstruction from the Bottom Up. Boston, MA: South End Press, 2004. Radical critique of recent patterns of economic globalization.